
Saturday, May 6, 2017

9 year update

At the end of March I marked 9 years since my ICL surgery. For the most part, everything is stable. My vision isn't quite as sharp as it was right after surgery, but the degree to which it has deteriorated is minimal and likely due to the aging process. I have abandoned glasses once again due to the intense burning I experience when I look away from the computer after staring at it for long periods. I have the burning without the glasses, too, but not as much as I do with glasses. I am trying to make it a habit to blink slowly and look away more frequently throughout the workday. Hard habit to get into. Distance vision still seems to be pretty sharp. I still have halos even after 9 years. They don't impact my lifestyle, though, and I gave up on drops years ago. So, basically, nothing major to report on this anniversary. Which is good news, I suppose. :)