Went back to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. Still seeing 20/20 (yay!). I do have reading glasses now, however they're not "readers" like most people need. They're to balance out the right eye, which was set for distance vision, with my 'near vision' left eye. Actually, I can read just fine without the glasses, but since I work at a computer all day (and spend too much time at one at night), the glasses just take some of the load off my eyes. I don't wear them all the time--in fact, its been a couple of weeks since I've worn them. I just don't think of it some days. They're the most help when my eyes are already tired.
There's been no improvement with the halos. The drops work great, when they're not used all the time. In the summer time is when they work the best, because then I'm only using them at the movies, in dim restaurants, etc. But as fall approaches and the days are shorter, I'll be using them more often. After a couple of months of daily use, they lose their effectiveness. But then when spring returns and they're used less often, they'll work much better again.
Still having a lot of dry eye problems (I had dry eye prior to surgery). Doctor thinks that may be ocular rosacea, since I have been diagnosed with regular rosacea. Who knew you could have that in the eyes? Not me! Anyway, trying some new prescriptions for the rosacea, so maybe that'll help the dry eye.