Well, my six year anniversary since my ICL surgeries came and went, and there's still nothing new to report, so that's good, I guess. I do find that I'm using the very thin reading glasses my optometrist prescribed after my surgery more often, but only when reading for long periods. I don't need them at all, most of the time. Plus, my office chair is a recliner, so most of the time I'm sitting much farther back from the computer than most people would, so I am probably straining them a bit more than necessary.
The only thing notable, really, is that a couple of days ago I had a migraine aura occur, and I haven't had one of those in at least 15 years. I've got some job stress going on right now, and for me, aura is never accompanied with pain, so after it completed its usual C shape, it was over after about 30 minutes.
I do sometimes have migraines without aura, and they always are painful, but the aura-types are always pain-free. Just really weird!