Current state of my eyes
As I was informed when I was considering surgery back in 2008, I knew that it was likely that I'd need reading glasses at some point just like anyone in their mid-40's might. Up close vision has degraded a little bit - how much is hard to say because the instant you have ICLs inserted your distance vision becomes something totally different. For the majority of my life up I was used to always bringing things closer to me to see them clearly and 8 years later I still struck by the fact that I now bring things in too close at first and then have to adjust outward for focusing. I just haven't gotten that exact distance figured out. Hard habit to break.Anyway, I do wear computer glasses every day now because I am on the computer for both work and play for too many hours each day. I wear these same glasses in the movie theater, too. But I don't need them to drive and I don't usually have to wear them to watch tv, but I do sometimes wear them to watch tv depending on the distance and lighting conditions.
Oddly, the glasses I wear aren't the most recent ones my optometrist prescribed. Since 2008 I've had three sets of glasses made, and the ones I find work best are the first ones he prescribed. The most recent ones are the worst. I've tried explaining to him that the lighting conditions he does his tests in are the worst for the ICL halos, especially in the right eye.
My main eye complaints these days don't have anything to do with ICL.
Dry Eye
The dry eye I had prior to surgery continues to be an issue (and not helped by all the computer work, I know).
Horizontal Bands
When I look at a website with a dark background, I will see horizontal bands that interfere with my ability to see. When I tilt my head, those bands tilt, so it's not a problem with the monitor. I noticed this prior to surgery, so I know it's not ICL related. My optometrist has never been able to explain this.
Excessive Tearing/Burning
Again, I'm sure this is due to excessive computer use, but I often find that when I have to look away from the computer and focus at a distance closer or farther, one of my eyes will burn and tear very badly. Both eyes do it, but rarely at the same time. I'm trying to do better about taking time throughout the day to do little eye exercises to vary focus. Many years ago (pre-ICL) I actually had to go through some vision therapy because of "loss of binocular vision" that was blamed on the computer use. The prescribed therapy basically involved me staring at shapes and crossing my eyes at varying degrees. So much for the "old wives' tale" of crossing your eyes being bad for you.
Anyway, as far as the ICL's go, I think they're stable. I don't think I'm 20/20 anymore, but still fairly close in most conditions. It's probably worse in lower light. No change in halo intensity or frequency.